Fireworks warning (again)

Just my annual reminder to enjoy fireworks to the fullest but be mindful of young ears.

An adequate (youth/infant) set of ear covers can run $15 (and come in many colors) but PERMANENT damage can last for a lifetime.

Nature at it’s best

Natural acoustic occurrences are my favorite. Slow steady summer rain on the roof, distant thunder (emphasis on distant) and the LACK of any noises after a deep snowfall. Ahhhhhh….

White Noise Generators

Am of two minds when it comes to personal white noise generators:

  1. Great for helping wash away random noises while you sleep
  2. Awful for office desks where you also have to communicate with others.

Air Pods hearing trick

ACTIVE noise cancellation. Very cool.

Reduce exposure to loud noise….

8 Reasons Noise Control Matters

“Have you ever been in a building where the sound felt like it was turned up on high?”

8 Reasons Noise Control Matters

No Honking Days? Where do I sign?

India at the forefront of traffic noise mitigation. Well, at least they are trying….

No-Honking Days and Noise Barriers Aim to Quell Mumbai’s Cacophony

Unsafe Listening Practices

Cranking up the tunes or sound may not be the wisest health move — here’s what a new study says

Young people at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe listening practices: New study

Acoustic Law Idea #1

Leaf blowers can only be used during prescribed times and NOT ON WEEKENDS!

THAT time of year again….

Leaf blowers come out of the woodwork….

How to deal with your leaves